Friday, April 29, 2011

Cambodian class

  Alexander Cheban (  alexcheban ) wrote,

School in the small village of Kampong Cham, Cambodia.
On the way from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap, we stopped simple village school. How to arrange a system of education in the poorest country in South East Asia. .

I continue my series of reports from schools around the world. It all starts at school, any country and living in it is determined by the level of education of the population, therefore doubly interesting to just get on a simple lesson in the school and talk with teachers. We were traveling by car from the capital to Siem Reap and almost all schools were closed on the way, and that in one village, I finally saw a running school, stopped, stopped, started the conversation ...

"SIT International School" in the village of Kampong Cham - a private school with in-depth study of English and computer technology. As it turned out, in the country at the time of our stay there was the school holidays, but this is a private school operated in the normal mode, closing only on a two-month summer vacation. Public education in the country free of charge, at our school tuition fee is $ 12.10 per month. The school also accepts children and free of charge, partially receives subsidies from the state budget. Salary teacher is 80-120 $ per month.

Officially, the literacy rate among the adult population of the country is 70%. In this school, children learn this and surrounding villages. Classes begin at 8 am. We were at school in the afternoon, when classes were finished and working "class extended-day groups," the children do their homework, etc.

Our guide was Nvegbu, janitor, school administrator, a native of Nigeria. Also, one of the teachers - cute girl Sim Kony.

It is clear that the three of us sitting at this desk a little cramped ...

Poster on the wall

This school also has an in-depth study of information technology.
Here's a computer class. Internet is only in the staff room.

Organigram of employees:

Even in the same class:

In each class, hang "face of the party"

And unconventional oriented to the European view, the map of the world, where Asia is at the center:

The whole class together:

The street children were playing in the popular Asian game of tossing pebbles:

Here's a school here :)

A few days later we were swimming in a floating village on Tonle Sap Lake. This trip was the most prominent tourist divorce in our trip ... Yes, there really are people in the houseboats, but not so poor as in the outback or on the Mekong. You can only get an official tourist boat, just rent a boat can not. Another tourist boat to deliver in school, it is one of the items promised mandatory program ...

So a floating school in the floating village:

At the blackboard is a girl, carefully displays some examples, posing in front of the camera.
In class students are sitting, but all the empty tables! All just talk to each other. And the clock is already 5 pm, what lessons ?! And the country is now a vacation ...

Yes, and in the classroom hanging board with proposals to help the school purchase stationery shop which is in the next door to the school, the value of 10 thin notebooks $ 25. Here is such a tourist school fake! So you want to see now - look for yourself, and do not try to see it during the tour :)

Walk around the lake Tonle Sap and the floating village - it's a waste of time, because in Cambodia so many interesting excursions without!

Cambodia - an amazing country ... To be continued ...

Also read about my visits to schools in different countries: