Teacher Phaitoon Yaemprasuan
Occupation and Technology Group
source: http://bigpicture.ru/?p=343584
CobraGold is a coalition of multinational military exercises which are held annually in Thailand. The purpose of this event is to promote regional security during the training exercise.
การฝึกกองทัพสหรัฐกับพันธมิตร กระทำที่ประเทศไทย จุดมุ่งหมายก็คือ เพื่อความมั่นคงในภูมิภาค
1. Marine drinks the blood of a cobra during survival training in the jungle with the Thai Navy. Joint military exercise "Cobra Gold 2010" took place at a military base in the province of Chon Buri February 9, 2010. Approximately 14,073 soldiers from six countries - Thailand, the USA, Singapore, Indonesia, Japan and South Korea - have taken part in the three-week military field exercises. (REUTERS / Chaiwat Subprasom)
ทหารนาวิกโยธินสหรัฐ ดื่มเลือดงู ในระหว่างการฝึกการดำรงชีพในป่า กับกองทัพเรือไทย การฝึกร่วมคอบบราโกลด์ 2010 จัดขึ้นที่ฐานทัพในจังหวัดชลบุรี (สัตหีบ) มีทหาร 14, 000 กว่าคน จาก 6 ประเทศ เข้าร่วมการฝึก
ทหารนาวิกโยธินสหรัฐ ดื่มเลือดงู ในระหว่างการฝึกการดำรงชีพในป่า กับกองทัพเรือไทย การฝึกร่วมคอบบราโกลด์ 2010 จัดขึ้นที่ฐานทัพในจังหวัดชลบุรี (สัตหีบ) มีทหาร 14, 000 กว่าคน จาก 6 ประเทศ เข้าร่วมการฝึก
2. Marine drinks the blood of a cobra during survival training in the jungle with the Thai Navy. Joint military exercise "Cobra Gold 2010" took place at a military base in the province of Chon Buri February 9, 2010. (Chaiwat Subprasom, Reuters)
3. Marine eats Thai plant, apparently, not very tasty, while training for survival in the jungle with the Thai Navy. (Chaiwat Subprasom, Reuters)
4. U.S. Marines eat dried frogs during training for survival in the jungle with the Thai Navy. (Chaiwat Subprasom, Reuters)
5. U.S. Marine eats a scorpion during a training session on survival in the jungle with the Thai Navy. (Chaiwat Subprasom, Reuters)
6. A soldier from the 27th Infantry Division during field exercises in Thailand. (Lance Cpl. Cristina Noelia Gil)
7. "Goodies", made specifically for undergoing military training U.S. Marines. (Lance Cpl. Cristina Noelia Gil)
8. The representative of the Thai army prepares to kill a cobra blood which then drink the military as part of "Cobra Gold". (Lance Cpl. Cristina Noelia Gil)
9. Soldiers of the 1st Infantry Division during a military exercise in Thailand in 2009. (Lance Cpl. Cristina Noelia Gil)
10. This year, in the maneuvers, which will last until February 11 in Rayong Province, will be involved over 13,000 people. The United States sent to the teachings of 8.7 million military personnel, Thailand - 4.6 thousand troops from South Korea arrived 331 people. (Lance Cpl. Cristina Noelia Gil)
11. First exercise Cobra Gold (CG) was held in 1981 under the leadership of the command of U.S. forces in the Pacific and Sun Thailand. Their scenario provides for sending a UN multinational force to end the conflict and stabilize the situation in countries experiencing internal turmoil. (Lance Cpl. Cristina Noelia Gil)
13. CobraGold is a coalition of multinational military exercises which are held annually in Thailand. (Lance Cpl. Cristina Noelia Gil)
14. The purpose of this event is to promote regional security during the training exercise. UN troops in Thailand, the U.S., Singapore, Japan, Indonesia and South Korea will take part in field exercises on a sample of many military scenarios of UN peacekeeping. (Lance Cpl. Cristina Noelia Gil)