Thursday, June 26, 2014

Robot Dancer

Robot Dancer

Last weekend in Tokyo hosted an exhibition of digital technologies "Digital Content Expo".Before the visitors to the exhibition in the company of four girl dancer performed on female android HRP-4C. This robot was created as an electronic model to demonstrate clothes on the catwalk, but eventually elektrodevushka sang, and now began to dance ...
(Total 10 photos + 3 videos)

hrp4c dg robot dancer
hrp4c dj robot dancer
1) The robot dancer HRP-4C - development of scientists from the Japanese National Institute of Japan Science and Technology, AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology).
hrp4c di Robot Dancer
2) First the Japanese introduced this model in March of this year - a new robot has been announced as the first android-fitting. Then HRP-4C debuted during Japan Fashion Week, and although not involved in the show, but opened this holiday fashion.
hrp4c dh robot dancer
3) In the summer of HRP-4C made during a fashion show in Tokyo, reaching the podium in a wedding dress designer Yumi Katsura.
hrp4c dg robot dancer
4) Experts from AIST continue to improve their creation and pretty soon ... singing robot.
hrp4c df robot dancer
5) Now girl android is not only able to synthesize sound, simulating the human voice, but also facial expressions and movements to accompany his singing.
hrp4c de robot dancer

6) The next step was teaching dance, which was implemented with the help of animation package Chorenoid (combination of Choreography and Humanoid). This software to generate motions uses the same principle as traditional programs for three-dimensional graphics - the user specifies the key position of the object, and the program calculates the interpolation between them.
hrp4c dd robot dancer
7) HRP-4C body 30 is equipped with a motor, yet little motors 8 are built in the robot's head model. Thanks to them, the robot can express different emotions. Height HRP-4C 158 cm, weight - 43 kg (including battery). This - the averages parameters normal Japanese women.
hrp4c dc robot dancer
8) In the future plan to use android on similar presentation and entertainment events, as well as "human simulator" and "human simulator."
hrp4c db robot dancer
9) In the future, robots such models will go on sale and their approximate cost will be about 3 million U.S. dollars.
hrp4c da robot dancer
10) The development of robotic androids humanity takes only a decade and has already made ​​significant progress in it. Who knows, it is quite possible that after another decade androids animators will work or do massage at home .

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