Thursday, May 29, 2014

Boon Bang Fai, or rocket festival in Thailand.

Boon Bang Fai, or rocket festival in Thailand.

Boon Wang Fai, or rocket festival, is a bright and colorful holiday, which is traditionally celebrated in most parts of the north-east of Thailand and Laos, in numerous villages and municipalities with the beginning of the rainy season. Celebrations usually include: on the first day - music and dance performances on the second day - the procession of dancers and musicians, and culminating on the third day are launching home-made rockets and explosions.
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Since ancient times, according to Buddhist tradition, Boone Wang Fai held in the season of the full moon in May, and is based on the traditions that the launch of rockets into the sky, made of bamboo, the rainy season starts and brings the necessary water for the rice fields. Traditionally, the missiles are made of bamboo and are filled with gunpowder, but today many are already in the production of missiles using modern technology, including PVC or metal pipes.
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Rockets are made of completely different sizes, ranging from the size of the bottle and up to nine meters in length. Some of the largest rockets can be stuffed with up to 120 kg. powder and quite dangerous when it starts.
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Large missiles can often fly to a height of several kilometers and can fly from the starting point for tens of kilometers. Since these unguided missiles, they can fly in any direction, including straight through the crowd. Injuries at this are not uncommon.
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For example, 10 May 1999, 120 kg. rocket exploded at a height of 50 meters above the ground in just two seconds after the start. In this case, killed five people and injured about 11 people.
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In celebration of the dedicated jury that evaluates missiles on indicators such as altitude and distance traveled, as well as the beauty of smoke plumes extending for missiles. If someone's missiles will not run or will fall soon after the start, dropping them into a nearby puddle.
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Although Wang Fai Bun Festival is held in many villages, the largest celebration takes place in Yasotchone.
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Raketostroitelnaya team rises to the forest and prepares for the launch of the festival Boon Wang Fai May 11, 2014 in Yasotchone, Thailand.
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Raketostroitelnaya team raises his heavy homemade rocket to start the forest during the festival Boon Wang Fai May 11, 2014 in Yasotchone, Thailand.
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Miniature missiles sold at the festival Boon Wang Fai May 10, 2014 in Yasotchone, Thailand. The holiday is celebrated every year and ends when the home-made rockets will be launched into the sky.
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Participants of the festival traditionally cover themselves in mud on a day when the sky started home-made rockets, May 12, 2013.
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The jury evaluates the rocket on indicators such as altitude and distance traveled, as well as the beauty of smoke plumes extending for missiles.
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The jury evaluates the rocket on indicators such as altitude and distance traveled, as well as the beauty of smoke plumes extending for missiles.
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The jury evaluates the rocket on indicators such as altitude and distance traveled, as well as the beauty of smoke plumes extending for missiles.
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Launch missiles at the festival in Boone Wang Fai Yasotchone.
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Launch missiles at the festival in Boone Wang Fai Yasotchone.
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Launch missiles at the festival in Boone Wang Fai Yasotchone.
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Costume parade at the festival in Boone Wang Fai Yasotchone.
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Queen Wang Fai Bun Festival in Yasotchone.
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Costume parade at the festival in Boone Wang Fai Yasotchone.
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Costume parade at the festival in Boone Wang Fai Yasotchone.
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Launch missiles at the festival in Boone Wang Fai Yasotchone.
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Crowds of spectators and tourists gather to watch the rocket festival Boon Wang Fai in Yasotchone.
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Evening launch missiles at the festival in Boone Wang Fai Yasotchone.

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